This mural can be found painted in the middle of Center Street, the main street of the Town of Wellesley, at the half-way point of the Boston Marathon. Carl Nelson, a member of the Wellesley Celebrations Committee, contacted Golob Art with the idea of how to commemorate the Boston Marathon bombing. The halfway point is one of the three most significant points along the route, along with the starting line and finish line. It might be the most encouraging spot for runners.
The eastbound side of the street features the words “Wellesley” and “Strong” on either side of the line in yellow paint. On the westbound side, the words, “Boston” and “Strong” appear in similar fashion and are accompanied by the blue and yellow ribbon that became the symbol of the terrorist attack in the days and weeks that followed.
The piece is now a permanent fixture on Central Street, thanks in no small part to the five gallons of paint that were donated by the Franklin Paint Company, which provides all of Wellesley’s road paint.
I appreciate the opportunity to create a lasting impact on the town. It honors the citizens who create the community.